Created by
Dr. Martínez
21 Apr, 2020
Just as a relationship has been seen with the Flu and Aperguillus, with the covid 19 have you seen this confection very high, and if so, early or rather late? Has the incidence of coinfection with influenza or other viruses been high? Have you seen an increase in nosocomial infections? In this case, have you identified any common denominator? / 就如同流感伴随曲霉菌感染的 情况,新冠(与其他)病毒的合并感染几率高吗?如果高的话,是早期还是晚期合并感染的机率大? /新冠与流感或其它病毒发生合 并感染的几率高吗?/请问有没有发现医院获得性感染增多的 情况?如果答案是肯定的,那有没有找到感染的共因?(已修改)