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Does SARS-Cov-2 have to do with flies and mosquitoes? Do they function as a vector? And if a fly or mosquito was in a house or a place of an infected person with sars-cov 2, will they transmit the virus if they fly off and bite or contact other people?

Created by Dr. Martínez , 21 Apr, 2020

请问严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒sars-cov-2和苍蝇或蚊子有关吗(昆虫作为宿主)?如果在sars-cov 2病人的家中或其待过的地方有 蚊子或苍蝇,它们飞出来叮咬 或接触其他人会传播病毒吗?