Any experience about it in China ???? And ask, If you are in contact with Chinese Doctors It would be possible value that Chinese doctors could come to help us in the containment of the peak of expected cases requiring ICU?
G2-25M-Sil Any experience about it in China ???? And ask, If you are in contact with Chinese Doctors It would be possible value that Chinese doctors could come to help us in the containment of the peak of expected cases requiring ICU? they have the expertise, and if possible they came to help for 2 months that the increase is expected, maybe they will help us reduce Mortality Above all ICU, Intensivists and Anesthetists. But all specialty is also worth. / 有什么相关的中国治疗方法和经验可以分享么? 如果您和中国的医生们有联系的话 有没有可能评估一下是否可以请求中国的医生们来给 我们帮忙,尤其是帮我们控制住随时可能到来的需要 重症监护的病人峰值 他们很专业,如果有可能的话,希望他们可以来给我 们两个月的帮助,目前来看病人人数会持续增长,也 许他们能够帮我们降低死亡率 我们尤其需要擅长重症监护的医生以及麻醉师,当然 了,其他任何专长的医生也都可以 很抱歉如果这个请求太过疯狂的话