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Areas separation during diagnosis

Created by Dr. Martínez , 21 Apr, 2020

Good afternoon, I am an intensive care pediatrician. In one of the hospitals where I work, when receiving a patient in respiratory triage and considering himself suspicious and in this case in critical condition, he is sent to a certain area to isolate him, even though it has not been confirmed. Did you separate those cases into one area for suspects and another for confirmed ones or did you stay in the same physical space equally? Did they separate areas from children and adults or were they left on the same floor – same intensive care? / 下午好。我是一名重症监护儿 科医生。在我工作的一家医院 里,如对一收治病人已归为呼 吸道类,判定为疑似病例且为重症。这种情况下,病人会被转入特定区域隔离,但是还没有确诊。请问,诸位是否将这些可疑病例和确诊病例分配在分开的两 个区域,还是将他们都放在一个区域中呢? 另外,你们是将儿童和成人分开,还是在同一楼层接受同样的重症监护?