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Corti: Fighting COVID-19 with A.I.

22 Apr, 2020

Who are Corti? is a European company based in Copenhagen, Denmark, that develops state-of-the-art artificial intelligence software. Their software seeks to analyze patient health, and help support healthcare personnel when triaging patients, in order to reduce over- and under-triaging.

Curbing transmission with A.I.

They have built an artificial intelligence that is capable of analyzing patient interviews in text, video, or audio formats, and detecting whether there is a high risk of COVID-19. The AI has already learned from more than 100,000 medical interviews about COVID-19 through our partnership with MedicOne at Harbourview Medical Center in Seattle, starting from the very beginning of the pandemic. We are now using these learnings to provide the healthcare sector with the best solutions possible.

They are offering the following AI-powered solutions to emergency medical services and health advice lines worldwide:

  • Monitor Patients at Home. Artificial Intelligence-based self-assessment and Remote Patient Monitoring Software.
  • Pandemic Foresight at Your Fingertips. Map and monitor the spread of infection with artificial intelligence.
  • Reduce the Risk When Triaging Patients. Standardize your patient interviews and questioning with artificial intelligence.