Five researchers have created a robot able to conduct 2400 COVID-19 tests everyday
19 Apr, 2020
Four robots have been delivered in four Spanish hospitals, including Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and Instituto de Salud Carlos III of Madrid.
The five researches have created the anti-COVID19 robot in one room, after 22 days of quarantine. Andreu Veà, one of the creators of the robots, claims that "each robot can perform 2400 PCR tests everyday" and with the four units working together they will achieve 70000 analysis per week.
Four anti-COVID19 robots were sent last Friday to four Spanish hospitals: Hospital Clínic and Hospital de Vall d'Hebrón of Barcelona, and La Paz and Instituto de Salud Carlos III of Madrid. The people who have made this possible include María Parga Landa (President of Alastria), Javier Colás Fustero (Esade), Sandra Figaredo Gutiérrez (LLyC), Dra. Rocío T. Martínez (Kings College UK), and Dr. Andreu Veà (President of CovidWarriors).
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