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Prisma Health introduces a 3D-printed ventilator expansion device

6 Apr, 2020
VESper™ is a new device that allows one ventilator to support up to four patients under emergency use authorization by the FDA. 
Hospitals can apply to receive the free source code and printing specifications for the device.

VESper™ is a unique ventilator expansion device that allows a single ventilator to support up to four patients during times of acute equipment shortages such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Produced using 3D printing technology, the device is developed with material already in use for medical devices and produced at minimal cost.

The device:

  • designed to work with ISO standard respiratory connections;
  • can be easily produced;
  • allows for appropriate filtering of bacteria and viruses in the ventilator tubing;
  • is strong and impact resistant; and
  • does not impact the care of other patients connected to the same machine.

Two VESper™ devices are needed for each ventilator, one on the intake and one on the return. VESper™ splits the airflow to the ventilator, acting as a Y connector.

Multiple combinations of the VESper™ device can be configured to allow a single machine to be used for up to four patients. It is important to match the clinical characteristics of the patients connected to a single machine as the machine will deliver the same settings such as oxygen concentration, amount of air in each breath and the pressure of the air delivered.