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  • Europeans Sing the Praise of Health Workers From Their Windows!

    7 Apr, 2020
    European citizens applaud in gratitud, from their balconies, for medical workers combating the coronavirus. 
  • Huge round of applause to Marta as she leaves intensive care unit!

    7 Apr, 2020
    Medical staff from Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona celebrates that Marta's recovery, the first patient of the hospital that leaves the intensive care unit! 
    View this post on Instagram
    Nos hace especial ilusión dedicar el aplauso de hoy a Marta, la primera paciente que sale de la UCI y pasa a planta para seguir su recuperación de la COVID19 Seguimos trabajando para frenar esta epidemia y os pedimos que os quedéis en casa para parar los contagios ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀...
  • Hospital's Cleaning and Cooking staff are also awesome!

    6 Apr, 2020
    Today we want to thank the cleaning, security, kitchen, infrastructure staff, that is, all the non-healthcare professionals who continue to carry out their tasks in exceptional circumstances due to # COVID19 A well-deserved applause!
    Avui volem donar les gràcies al personal de neteja, de seguretat, cuina, infraestructures, és a dir a tots els professionals no assistencials que continuen exercint les seves tasques en unes circumstàncies excepcionals a causa del #COVID19 Un aplaudiment molt ...
  • Spanish medical personnel celebrate the first ICU discharge!

    6 Apr, 2020
    Doctors and medical staff from Hospital General de Castellón (Valencia) give a great applause to the first patient discharged from the ICU
  • Happy Birthday!!

    3 Apr, 2020
    Medical staff in protective suits come together to sing "Happy Birthday" and deliver a cake to this patient in the Italian Army's field hospital—bringing a big smile to his face.
  • Medical staff in Hubei encourage coronavirus patients

    3 Apr, 2020
    "Cheer up!", "Fight!", "Be strong". The emotive words from Chinese medical staff to coronavirus infected patients.
  • "Resistiré!" (I will resist!)

    3 Apr, 2020
    "Resistiré" is a famous, encouraging Spanish song. Watch this video of the heroic medical staff of Hospital La Paz (Madrid) singing and dancing this song together!

  • UK applauses to the awesome medical staff

    3 Apr, 2020
    At 8pm on Thursday, millions of people stood at their front doors and open windows, in gardens and on balconies, to raise a thunder of gratitude for those working on the frontline of the fight against coronavirus!
    Extracted from The Guardian.
  • Spain applauses to the awesome medical staff

    3 Apr, 2020
    Spanish citizens all over the country applaud to the medical staff from the balconies, street, cars...
  • Who wants to join the zumba class?

    2 Apr, 2020
    In order to entertain the patients, medical staff leads patients in a dance at makeshift hospital in Wuhan. 
  • Watch: Nurses in Spain hospital cheer as patient is transferred out of ICU

    2 Apr, 2020
    Medical staff in a hospital in Spain cheered for a patient that was released from the Intensive Case Unit. The Nurses were seen clapping as the patient, infected from virus, was being transferred out of ICU. This was the first patient to be transferred out of the ICU after getting infected from the virus.