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  • Being exposed to potentially morally injurious experiences (PMIEs)

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant?
    Covid-19 is placing significant demand on an already stretched healthcare system. Prioritisation of resources (e.g., staff, beds and ventilators) due to increased demand means that some patients may not receive the care that they would ordinarily get. When preventable loss of life occurs due to these reasons, healthcare workers may be at risk of moral injury.

  • Individual and team Resilience

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant?

    During the covid-19 outbreak front line workers are going to be exposed to a range of extreme demands and significant adversity. Resilience can help protect workers and enable them to maintain their performance, health and wellbeing during this time.

  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD)

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant?
    Covid-19 workers are likely to witness a number of distressing scenes and be exposed to a range of potentially traumatic events. For some, this may contribute to the development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

  • Stay motivated!

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant? 
    Responding to covid-19 is going to require effort from workers over a prolonged period of time. This might span weeks, months and years. Ensuring that workers stay motivated is crucial for being able to provide effective care throughout the disease outbreak, and to protect their own psychological well-being.

  • Be ready for action!

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant?

    During the covid-19 response, workers from across the healthcare system (and beyond) will be called upon to fight the disease outbreak. Ensuring that staff are prepared and ready to work is important for being able to safely and successfully tackle the virus. Readiness is relevant to staff transitioning between home and work daily, those returning to work after self-isolating (potentially as a result of contracting the virus or showing symptoms), and those bei...
  • Optimizing team performance: Team dynamics

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant?

    Covid-19 workers are likely to work in dynamic teams, often with people they do not know and in high demand, variable resource settings. Optimising team performance can result in improved decision making,increased efficiency, higher adherence to safetystandards, and more satisfying work relationships, which will contribute to tackling the disease outbreak.

  • Monitoring and optimizing sleep

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant?

    COVID-19 workers may be required to undertake night-time, early morning, rotating and extended duration workhours. These work demands may result in insufficientsleep and having to work during the body’s circadian low point in alertness. Together, these factors may result in sleepiness and reduced alertness levels, whichcan have adverse effects on physical and cognitiveperformance and potentially raise the risk of accidents and errors. If prolonged, inadequate ...
  • How to manage Extreme Stressors

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant? 
    In the line of duty, covid-19 workers will encounter a number of extreme stressors or demands. These stressors/demands can impact upon an individual’s capacity to do their work. In highly interdependent teams, like those working in ICU, the impact of stressors/demands at the individual level can have onward implications for the safety, performance, and health andwellbeing of others, including other staff members andpatients.

  • Performance Debriefing

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant? During the response to the covid-19 outbreak a range of different healthcare workers will be required to interact to deliver care to critically ill patients. Ensuring that individuals and teams learn form their experiences and work efficiently together is important for sustaining high-quality care. 

  • How to manage Anxiety and Fear

    15 Apr, 2020

    Why is this relevant?

    In tackling the covid-19 outbreak workers will be faced with a lot of uncertainty and may, at times, encounter scary situations. This can lead to a sense of threat and result in feelings of anxiety and fear. A major source of anxiety and fear is likely to be related to the possibility of contracting the virus from sick patients.