Visualizing Speech-Generated Oral Fluid Droplets with Laser Light Scattering
16 Apr, 2020Aerosols and droplets generated
during speech have been implicated in the person-to-person transmission of viruses, and there
is current interest in understanding the mechanisms responsible for the spread of Covid-19 by
these means. The act of speaking generates oral
fluid droplets that vary widely in size, and these
droplets can harbor infectious virus particles.
Whereas large droplets fall quickly to the ground,
small droplets can dehydrate and linger as “droplet nuclei” in the air, where they behave like an
aerosol and thereby expand the spatial extent of
emitted infectious particles. We report the results
of a laser light-scattering experiment in which speech-generated droplets and their trajectories were visualized.
The output from a 532-nm green laser operating at 2.5-W optical power was transformed into a light sheet that was approximately 1 mm thick and 150 mm tall. We directed this light sheet through slits on the sides of a cardboard box measuring 53 × 46 × 62 cm. The interior of the box was painted black. The enclosure was positioned under a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter
to eliminate dust.
When a person spoke through the open end
of the box, droplets generated during speech
traversed approximately 50 to 75 mm before they
encountered the light sheet. An iPhone 11 Pro
video camera aimed at the light sheet through a
hole (7 cm in diameter) on the opposite side of
the box recorded sound and video of the lightscattering events at a rate of 60 frames per second. The size of the droplets was estimated from
ultrahigh-resolution recordings. Video clips of the
events while the person was speaking, with and
without a face mask, are available with the full text
of this letter at
We found that when the person said “stay
healthy,” numerous droplets ranging from 20 to
500 μm were generated. These droplets produced
flashes as they passed through the light sheet
(Fig. 1). The brightness of the flashes reflected
the size of the particles and the fraction of time
they were present in a single 16.7-msec frame of
the video. The number of flashes in a single frame
of the video was highest when the “th” sound in
the word “healthy” was pronounced (Fig. 1A). Repetition of the same phrase three times, with short
pauses in between the phrases, produced a similar pattern of generated particles, with peak numbers of flashes as high as 347 with the loudest
speech and as low as 227 when the loudness was
slightly decreased over the three trials (see the
top trace in Fig. 1A). When the same phrase was
uttered three times through a slightly damp washcloth over the speaker’s mouth, the flash count
remained close to the background level (mean,
0.1 flashes); this showed a decrease in the number of forward-moving droplets (see the bottom
trace in Fig. 1A).
We found that the number of flashes increased with the loudness of speech; this finding was consistent with previous observations by
other investigators. In one study, droplets emitted
during speech were smaller than those emitted
during coughing or sneezing. Some studies have
shown that the number of droplets produced by
speaking is similar to the number produced by
We did not assess the relative roles of droplets
generated during speech, droplet nuclei,2
aerosols in the transmission of viruses. Our aim
was to provide visual evidence of speech-generated droplets and to qualitatively describe the effect
of a damp cloth cover over the mouth to curb the
emission of droplets.