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SEED Recommendations: Protection against COVID-19 in Endoscopy Units

22 Mar, 2020
The Spanish Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SEED) published a document about protection recommendations against COVID-19 pandemics in endoscopy units in order to stop the spread of the virus. These recommendations are based on two recent studies (Jinyang Gu et al. & Fei Xiao et al.) which show the potential gastrointestinal infection caused by SARS-CoV-2. Logically, general recommendations about hygiene to control COVID-19 spread are of special importance in this medical area.

  1. It is suggested to evaluate in each center the indications for the scheduled endoscopy ambulatory, postponing those whose realization is not urgently needed, until that the epidemiological situation advises it.

  2. It is advisable to carry out triage of the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, according to the criteria established by the WHO, in ALL patients who come to the endoscopy unit. The protection of the personnel of the unit depends on the situation of the patient and therefore consider a critical point. In those patients with suspected infection, it will be postponed endoscopy, provided it is not an emergency, until the diagnosis is clarified.

  3. The currently defined protection levels to use are described below. During the endoscopic procedure:

    Level 1Personnel who remain in the endoscopy room and
    do not come into contact with the patient.
    • Hat
    • Mask
    • Gloves
    • Work shoes

    Level 2Health personnel in contact with a non-suspicious
    patient in the triage (low risk of SARS-CoV2 infection).
    • Hat
    • Mask
    • Gloves
    • Disposable gown
    • Eye protector
    • Shoe protector

    Level 3Healthcare personnel in contact with a patient who
    is positive or highly suspected of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    • Hat
    • High security mask (FFP3)
    • Double gloves
    • Disposable gowns
    • Eye protector
    • Shoe protector

  4. At the end of an endoscopic procedure in a positive or high-risk patient it is recommended:
  • Dispose of gloves, protective gown, leggings and all the used material, including the work table cloths in a container specific.
  • Carry out hand and forearm washing.
  • Clean the floor of the endoscopy room and contact surfaces such as work tables, stretchers and other elements of common contact.

   5. For hospitalized patients, a non-stop circuit is recommended in the recovery and avoid common spaces with patients treated on an outpatient basis.

   6. Se recomienda que los familiares y acompaƱantes no accedan a las salas de endoscopia ni a la sala de recuperaciĆ³n.