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  • How to store your personal N95 respirator

    8 Apr, 2020
    This video shows a creative and easy way to store your personal N95 mask to avoid contamination from or to other people.You just need a plastic recipient labelled with your name!
    Extracted from a LinkedIn post from Rick Cristancho
  • Surgical PPE placement video | AEC's contribution

    25 Mar, 2020
    Surgical PPE placement video | AEC's contribution

    The Spanish surgical society AEC has contributed with the initiative by facilitating us real videos of PPE use for performing a surgery in a COVID-19 patient. .video_controls { height: 20%; position: relative; top: -100%; float: right; z-index: 1000; width: 100%; }

  • Surgical PPE retirement | AEC's contribution

    25 Mar, 2020
    Surgical PPE retirement | AEC's contribution The Spanish surgical society AEC has contributed with the initiative by facilitating us real videos of PPE use for performing a surgery in a COVID-19 patient.
    .video_controls { height: 20%; position: relative; top: -100%; float: right; z-index: 1000; width: 100%; }

    AEC's contribution to the initiative