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  • BlueDot

    17 Apr, 2020

    BlueDot’s outbreak risk software safeguards lives by mitigating exposure to infectious diseases that threaten human health, security, and prosperity.

    BlueDot was among the first in the world to identify the emerging risk from COVID-19 in Hubei province and notify our clients via our Insights platform, validating our capabilities as a global early warning system for infectious disease.

    BlueDot published the first scientific paper on COVID-19, accurately pr...
  • Computational predictions of protein structures associated with COVID-19

    17 Apr, 2020

    The scientific community has galvanised in response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, building on decades of basic research characterising this virus family. Labs at the forefront of the outbreak response shared genomes of the virus in open access databases, which enabled researchers to rapidly develop tests for this novel pathogen. Other labs have shared experimentally-determined and computationally-predicted structures of some of the viral proteins, and still others have shared epidemiol...
  • AI Against COVID-19

    16 Apr, 2020
    Vicent Botti, professor and researcher of UPV (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia), describes artificial intelligence solutions in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment in diseases such as COVID-19


    World Health Organization states that a success in the public health response relies on four critic factors: understanding of transmissibility and high-risk population; establishing the natural history of infection, for insta...
  • MIT Model quantifies the impact of quarantine measures on Covid-19’s spread

    16 Apr, 2020
    A machine learning algorithm combines data on the disease's spread with a neural network, to help predict when infections will slow down in each country.

    Every day for the past few weeks, charts and graphs plotting the projected apex of Covid-19 infections have been splashed across newspapers and cable news. Many of these models have been built using data from studies on previous outbreaks like SARS or MERS. Now, a team of engineers at MIT has developed a model that uses data from the ...
  • How Digital Contact Tracing Slowed Covid-19 in East Asia

    16 Apr, 2020

    As Covid-19 steamrolls across international boundaries, public health officials are paying close attention to countries that are flattening the curve, slowing the spread of infection. Can other countries emulate their success? Top of mind has been whether authoritarian regimes have an edge over democracies, because they can mandate top-down measures like lockdowns and digital tracking of infected people’s movements and contacts. Indeed, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi proclaimed “Only in...
  • Ahead of the curve: South Korea's evolving strategy to prevent a coronavirus resurgence

    15 Apr, 2020
    A smartphone tracking app for new airport arrivals. A “smart city” database of thousands of people infected by the new coronavirus and their contacts. Electronic bracelets that track people breaking quarantine laws.
    South Korea, among the first countries to bring a major coronavirus outbreak under control, is now taking steps to control the disease well into the future, relying heavily on technology and its hyper-connected society.

    The aim is to reinvigorate Asia’s fourth-largest ec...
  • MIT developed a wireless box that can detect COVID-19 patients’ movement and breathing at home

    15 Apr, 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unprecedented challenge for healthcare workers. Among the major challenges are social distancing issues, which have required novel approaches to diagnosing and treating illness.

    For many who have already tested positive, home stays are the best option to avoid an already massively overtaxed hospital system in many areas and to avoid further infecting others. The question, then, is how doctors and nurses can continue to provide trea...
  • Towards an Artificial Intelligence Framework for Data-Driven Prediction of Coronavirus Clinical Severity

    14 Apr, 2020
    AbstractThe virus SARS-CoV2, which causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become a pandemic and has spread to every inhabited continent. Given the increasing caseload, there is an urgent need to augment clinical skills in order to identify from among the many mild cases the few that will progress to critical illness. We present a first step towards building an artificial intelligence (AI) framework, with predictive analytics (PA) capabilities applied to real patient data, to provide rapid ...
  • Google Cloud launches new AI chatbot for COVID-19 information

    14 Apr, 2020
    The Rapid Response Virtual Agent program includes open source templates for companies to add coronavirus content to their own chatbots.

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are continuing to take a front-row seat in fighting COVID-19, with Google Cloud launching an AI chatbot on Wednesday. The chatbot, which it calls the Rapid Response Virtual Agent program, will provide information to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, as announced in a Google blog.

    The program w...
  • COVID-19: How Korea is using innovative technology and AI to flatten the curve

    14 Apr, 2020
    The country’s experience from the previous SARs outbreak and the more recent MERS (in 2015) has enabled it to prepare in advance to combat COVID-19. The Republic of Korea has been successful so far in containing COVID-19 without shutting down its economy, even though schools, museums and gyms — places where large numbers of people might gather in an enclosed space — are closed. “We still need to learn more about [COVID-19’s] characteristics – although we do know now that it is very contagious...
  • European Initiative for Automated diagnosis and Quantitative Analysis of COVID-19 on Imaging

    10 Apr, 2020

    Imaging COVID-19 AI initiative is a multicenter European project to enhance computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of COVID-19 by using artificial intelligence. The project group will create a deep learning model for automated detection and classification of COVID-19 on CT scans, and for assessing disease severity in patients by quantification of lung involvement.

    Many different hospitals and institutions across Europe will collaborate to rapidly ...
  • PH launches online COVID-19 tracking, emergency response system

    10 Apr, 2020

    Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, April 10) — A website and mobile application was launched this week for a more real-time tracking of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Philippines.

    Those with Internet access can create an account on "StaySafe.PH" to help the national and local government units keep track of the health status of the public.

    During the online registration process, users will be asked if they are feeling any of the COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, co...